Las cosas que nos impiden entendernos constituyen un desafío común para las personas, los grupos, las compañías internacionales, los gobiernos, las naciones y el mundo entero. La globalización y la tecnología de la comunicación están uniendo al mundo en una aldea global, incluyendo barreras del idioma. Keywords: Communication, Language Barriers, Semantic Barriers, Understanding. The study concluded that language or semantic barriers arise from different subjects such as meanings and uses of words, symbols, images, gestures, languages and dialects.

This qualitative study aimed at exploring the factors that cause language barriers, their types, and their impact on effective communication and our life as well as ways to make people aware of the importance of overcoming them. The things that prevent us from understanding each other's constitute a common challenge to individuals, groups, international companies, governments, nations, and the whole world. Globalization and communication technology are bringing the world closer together in a global village, including language barriers.